More Reasons Why the US Economy is Collapsing

#1. The United States government is currently running a budget deficit of $1.8 billion/day. Too much deficit will create a weaker American dollar and cripple the US economy.

#1. The United States government is currently running a budget deficit of $1.8 billion/day. Too much deficit will create a weaker American dollar and cripple the US economy.
#2. The US National Debt is $8 trillion+. It has to be paid back eventually by raising taxes.
#3. Oil prices are $100+ per crude barrel, there is a shortage of oil refineries and demand is growing due to more car drivers world wide.
#4. China's economy is now bigger than the United States and China is now the centre of the global economy.
#5. China's trade exports out-matches the United States (ie. they can build cars/trucks/SUVs for half the price).
#6. English is becoming less important as an international business language. Mandarin Chinese is becoming more important.
#7. Global warming is causing drought and shortages of grain crops, causing bread and flour prices to skyrocket.
#8. US universities aren't creating enough graduates to compete on the global market. Tuition is too expensive and there isn't enough university professors.
#9. The babyboomers are retiring, creating a shortage of skilled workers.
#10. The White House is being complacent about the US economy and is ignoring the possibility of a depression.
#11. Automobile companies keep laying off unionized workers and moving their factories to China. The only car company building new plants and hiring workers in North America is Japanese car-maker Toyota (which only hires non-union workers).
#12. The US government sold off the bulk of its oil/gasoline reserves in 2002. It no longer has large stocks of oil reserves in case of a national shortage.
#13. Adult American taxpayers have an average of $48,000 in debt due to credit cards, mortgages, university debts, etc. Now that the economy has gone sour many are losing their houses or declaring bankruptcy.
#14. The US dollar is notoriously easy to make counterfeit bills of. Thanks to modern computer printers, counterfeit is reasonably easy to make.
#15. The US economy still has not recovered from 9/11.
#16. The US economy relies on the consumption of goods at a decadent rate. If something happens that throws the economy for a loop, it can very easily fall into a depression.
#17. Global Warming is causing record hurricanes, storms, floods and ecological disasters are destroying homes & businesses in the United States. In addition to wrecking havoc and raising insurance prices, the storms also prevent oil rigs from drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, causing oil shortages.
#18. The health problems resulting from high obesity and unhealthy diets combined with a shortage of doctors is causing the US healthcare system to become highly capitalized so that only the wealthy and middle class can afford health care.
#19. Rising costs of airplane flights are stifling business trips by companies seeking to do business.
#20. Foreign investors are pulling out of the United States and investing in Asia instead.
#21. Five years of drought and Global Warming has caused many farmers in the American mid-west to declare bankrupty. The US is facing a food shortage if current drought trends continue. People aren't building enough green houses to grow extra food.
#3. Oil prices are $100+ per crude barrel, there is a shortage of oil refineries and demand is growing due to more car drivers world wide.
#4. China's economy is now bigger than the United States and China is now the centre of the global economy.
#5. China's trade exports out-matches the United States (ie. they can build cars/trucks/SUVs for half the price).
#6. English is becoming less important as an international business language. Mandarin Chinese is becoming more important.
#7. Global warming is causing drought and shortages of grain crops, causing bread and flour prices to skyrocket.
#8. US universities aren't creating enough graduates to compete on the global market. Tuition is too expensive and there isn't enough university professors.
#9. The babyboomers are retiring, creating a shortage of skilled workers.
#10. The White House is being complacent about the US economy and is ignoring the possibility of a depression.
#11. Automobile companies keep laying off unionized workers and moving their factories to China. The only car company building new plants and hiring workers in North America is Japanese car-maker Toyota (which only hires non-union workers).
#12. The US government sold off the bulk of its oil/gasoline reserves in 2002. It no longer has large stocks of oil reserves in case of a national shortage.
#13. Adult American taxpayers have an average of $48,000 in debt due to credit cards, mortgages, university debts, etc. Now that the economy has gone sour many are losing their houses or declaring bankruptcy.
#14. The US dollar is notoriously easy to make counterfeit bills of. Thanks to modern computer printers, counterfeit is reasonably easy to make.
#15. The US economy still has not recovered from 9/11.
#16. The US economy relies on the consumption of goods at a decadent rate. If something happens that throws the economy for a loop, it can very easily fall into a depression.
#17. Global Warming is causing record hurricanes, storms, floods and ecological disasters are destroying homes & businesses in the United States. In addition to wrecking havoc and raising insurance prices, the storms also prevent oil rigs from drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, causing oil shortages.
#18. The health problems resulting from high obesity and unhealthy diets combined with a shortage of doctors is causing the US healthcare system to become highly capitalized so that only the wealthy and middle class can afford health care.
#19. Rising costs of airplane flights are stifling business trips by companies seeking to do business.
#20. Foreign investors are pulling out of the United States and investing in Asia instead.
#21. Five years of drought and Global Warming has caused many farmers in the American mid-west to declare bankrupty. The US is facing a food shortage if current drought trends continue. People aren't building enough green houses to grow extra food.
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