Saturday, May 30, 2009

'kepentingan rakyat lebih penting daripada hal saman.”- Anifah

Harga di atas kepalanya ialah RM100 juta. Namun Menteri Luar, Datuk Anifah Aman tidak gundah dengan jumlah saman sebesar itu oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim terhadapnya. Beliau nampaknya tetap berpegang pada dakwaanya di Washington baru-baru ini bahawa Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat menawarkan jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri untuk memancingnya melompat menyertai gerakan 16 September yang gagal.

Menjawab soalan wartawan mengenai saman berkenaan semasa sidang akhbar di Wisma Putra Jumaat, Anifah yang juga Ahli Parlimen Kimanis, Sabah memberi contoh dakwaan Aminah Abdullah iaitu calon Bebas Pilihan Raya Kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri Penanti bahawa beliau ditawarkan wang dan jawatan Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 Pulau Pinang untuk tarik diri. ''Ini cuma pilihan raya kecil yang tidak melibatkan pembentukan kerajaan, calon Bebas ini telah ditawarkan wang dan kedudukan. Jadi fikir-fikirlah, jika calon Bebas dalam pilihan raya kecil ditawarkan jawatan, apatah lagi jika ia melibatkan pembentukan Kerajaan Persekutuan," katanya.
Mengenai saman RM100 juta yang difail oleh peguam Anwar, Sankara Nair di Mahkamah Tinggi, Kuala Lumpur Rabu, Anifah kata, 'kepentingan rakyat lebih penting daripada hal saman.”- AGENDA DAILY.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Hari ini Bayau terbaca di blog saudara Seliu-liu, sdr. Azrone. Bagus blognya- Tidak salahlah dia mendapat Anugerah Kewartawan Shell terbaik.

Bayau terbaca tentang Projek Agropolitan di Kota Belud yang dicadang di Padang Ragut Gunasama di Pintasan Kota Belud dan Rosob-Surun, berdekatan dengan Kg. Bangkahak dan Kem Tentera di Sorob.

Kita dimaklumkan mengenai yang "tersurat" iatu kerajaan telah memperuntukkan sebanyak RM370 Juta bagi membangunkan kedua-dua kawasan itu untuk tanaman getah dan penternakan lembu tenusu. Samada projek itu intercropping Getah dengan ternakan lembu tenusu masih belum dapat disahkan kerana ini masih dalam peringkat perancangan awal pada hakikat yang sebenarnya.

Bayau masih ingat, berhampiran kawasan Padang Ragut Rosob -Surun itu pernah dicadangkan untuk dijadikan "Skim Getah Kota Belud" kelolaan Lembaga Tabung Getah masa itu dengan aggaran keperluan perbelajaan atau kos sebanyak RM40 juta. Setahu Bayau Tapak Semaian Getahpun telah dibuat tapi barangkali sudah gagal walaupun ratusan ringgit telah dibelanjakan. Itupun berikutan dengan komen Jabatan Pertanian bahawa kawasan itu mereka sahkan tidak sesuai dengan tanaman getah. Persoalan yang bayau masih kurang jelas ialah samada projek argopolitan di Rosob-Surun ini menyamai konsep Skim Getah Kota Belud atau ada tambahan intercropping dengan projek lembu tenusu. Jadi barangkali "stand" Jabatan Pertanian kali ini pusing 360 darjah kerana Pembantu Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas tani Datuk Haji Musbah sendiri jadi tukang "push" program itu.

Bayau puji penduduk di sana sebab mereka gembira bila ada program pembangunan sebab kata mereka, sekiranya tidak dibangunakan oleh kerajaan, tanah itu akan dipohon oleh orang perseorangan dan tidak ada limpahan ekonomi kepada rakyat setempat. Individu itu pun kelak akan membiarkan tanah itu terbiar atau kemungkinan akan dijual kepada orang kaya. Cuma kerisauan mereka menjadi gelisah kiranya tanah itu akan diberi milik kepada syarikat, lebih-lebih lagi syarikat dari luar Sabah. Kata mereka "jangan macam Sahabat nanti putih mata anak generasi kita" merujuk kepada Rancangan Felda Sahabat di Lahad Datu.

Di Tanah Simpan Padang Ragut Gunasama di Kg Pintasan pula Pembantu Menteri ini terpaksa meniupkan pelbagai jenis mentera berbisa. Bayau pernah dengar Sabahkita beberapa tahun dulu ada juga mencadangkan kawasan yang sama untuk diutilise untuk ternakan Lembu Pedaging kerana negeri Sabah mengimpot lebih kurang 75% keperluan daging dalam Negeri. Sedangkan keperluan susu lembu hampir mencapai tahap penuh saradiri. Barangkali Bayau rasa dengan lembu tenusu lebih untung, itu biarlah dianalisa pihak yang pakar. Dulu bila dicadangkan untuk lembu pedaging, Ketua Kampung Wakaplah orang yang tidak setuju kerana katanya itu hak rakyat. Biarlah rakyat yang buat ternakan sendiri dan kerajaan mesti bantu.

Bagi Bayau, sekiranya cadangan Projek Agropolitan itu benar-benar serius ada juga positifnya untuk perangsang pertumbuhan Kota Belud dan pertambahan limpahan ekonomi kepada rakyat setempat. Cuma status padang ragut masih "in question" samada akan kekal atau digazet semula sebagai kawasan komersil atau CL. Tapi positifnya haruslah dikekalkan dan tidak dibenar untuk diberi milik atau dicagar kerana ini adalah hak generasi kita akan datang. Risau akan menjadi seperti Felda Sahabat di Lahad Datu.

Bagi Bayau, soalnya ialah apakah getah dan lembu mampu mengenal padang ragut maka lembu enggan membesar dan getah enggan tumbuh. Oleh itu mesti juga ditukar statusnya ke CL barulah getah tumbuh subur dan sapi mengeluar susu yang banyak? Barangkali getah dan lembu itupun sudah pandai politik?

Bayau kadang terpaksa garu bulu. Dulu Jelapang Padi Kota Belud dikatakan RM200 juta. Sudah bertahun lamanya sampai "baino" Mardi dengan Persatuan Peladang juga yang terkial-kial membantu pesawah. Irrigation yang itu, itu juga. Jelapang Padi tak juga sampai-sampai. Sekarang sudah Mei 2009. Bayau kesian petani. Sekarang ini panas makin terik. Sekarang pula Agropolitan. Canggih nama itu. Orang kampung tentu tak faham.

Kadang-kadang Bayau risau juga fasal Bayau ini sekali kena tiga kali ingat.

100,000 peminjam ketakutan

Gambar: Digari tangan menanggug malu, digari leher menanggung hidup.

Cuepacs mendedahkan kira-kira 100,000 kakitangan awam hidup dalam ketakutan selepas diburu kumpulan along kerana gagal melunaskan pinjaman mereka. Setiausaha Agungnya, Ahmad Shah Mohd Zin, berkata jumlah itu (kira-kira 10 peratus daripada keseluruhan kakitangan awam) amat membimbangkan kerana ia boleh menjejaskan produktiviti dan perkhidmatan. Katanya, hasil kajian pihaknya mendapati kakitangan awam terbabit mula mendapatkan pinjaman along sejak tiga tahun lalu dan sehingga kini majoriti daripada mereka masih tidak mampu melunaskan pinjaman terbabit.
"Akibatnya pekerja terbabit diganggu along hampir setiap hari termasuk ada yang menunggu di pintu masuk pejabat. "Ada pekerja yang ponteng dan sanggup dikenakan tindakan disiplin semata-mata hendak mengelak diganggu along di tempat kerja," katanya dihubungi, semalam. Ahmad Shah berkata, kebanyakan kakitangan awam meminjam wang daripada along adalah pekerja kumpulan profesional dan ke bawah.

Kemahuan kita tidak terbatas dalam masa yang sama, keupayaan kita terhad. Kenyataan ini memang menjadi masalah utama ekonomi sejak manusia mengenai subjek ekonomi itu. Kewujudan istilah "scarcity" telah lama dalam pengetahuan manusia. Manakala pengangguran dan inflasi menjadi "the twin evil of economics". Bagaimanapun, manusia yang bijaksana mampu mengatasi masalah keterhadan keupayaan itu dengan menggunakan "kuasa minda". Jawabnya mudah yakni kita kena membuat pilihan dengan pendekatan kos melepas. Tun Mahathir kata jika kita tidak mampu, termasuk tidak mampu membayar hutang, maka kita jamgan beli. Kita boleh membuat pilihan. Manakala "twin evil" ini sering mengancam kita supaya melakukan kesilapan.

Harus diingat kebanyakan kita boleh dengan mudah mendapat hutang. Ada yang mendapatnya dengan meminjam daripada kawan-kawan rapat atas dasar simpati kepada kawan. Kadang-kadang, kita berkecil hati bila sahabat itu tidak memberi hutang kepada kita. Tetapi bila sampai waktu membayar atau melunasi hutang kita mungkir janji kepada kawan malah membohongi sahabat yang dahulunya tempat kita merayu simpati. Kawan akhirnya menjadi lawan atau sekurang-kurangnya menjadi renggang kerana hutang dan mungkir janji. Kita menjadi manusia yang berpura-pura kepada diri kita sendiri. Apa bezanya dengan Hipokrit?. Tapi Ah Long tidak peduli bohong atu tipu. Mereka ada cara untuk mendapatkan bayaran "by hook or by crook". falsafah mereka ialah "you can run but you cannot hide", tak dapat hari ini-esuk, tak esuk- lusa tak lusa-lusa ulat dan seterusnya.

Semua tahu lojiknya. "kalau kita tidak mampu membayar kenapa kita harus berhutang?". Berhutang dalan kontek seperti ini menghampiri "tabiat menipu kawan dan diri sendiri". Di sinilah ukuran dilihat samada kita adalah manusia bijaksana yang memiliki minda kelas pertama atau kelas bawah dan "putar alam"- (bahasa tempatan)

Kelemahan mengurus keupayaan kita ini menjadi perhatian penting kepada Ah Long. Ah Long lebih merasa beruntung jika peminjam melengah-lengahkan bayaran hutangnya kerana semakin lama hutang ditangguhkan, semakin tinggi riba yang bakal mereka dapat. Namun semakin lama semakin berat masalah tanggungan kewangan yang dipikul oleh peminjam kepada Ah Long. Ah Long pula semakin gembira dan akan menjadikan si pemiutang sebagai hamba atau individu yang tunduk kepada kemahuan Ah Long. Ah Long mempunyai "pihak perlindungan" yang cukup, sedangkan si pemiutang terus bermasalah dan terdedah kepada bahaya.

Berhutang dengan kawan mungkin kita akan hanya kehilangan kawan. tetapi berhutang dengan Ah Long kita terdedah dengan kemungkinan kehilangan ahli keluarga, kehormatan mereka terancam malah nyawa mereka juga terancam akibat perbuatan dan kelemahan kita sendiri.

Jangan berbelanja di luar keupayaan kita kerana ia akan mengheret kita ke lembah yang hina. Jangan percaya kepada falsafah bahawa "sebelum merasai bankrupcy kita tidak akan menemui kekayaan". Ini falsafah bohong dan menyalahi hukum yang di perturunkan oleh Allah SWT kerana asasnya kita dilahirkan dengan rezki dan bahagian kita di dunia. Tinggal lagi kita kena berusaha untuk mendapatnya.

Sesungguhnya "spekulasi" itu tidak dihina tetapi menolak konsekuensi spekulasi itu "bad". Risiko itu wujud, tetapi kita tidak bijaksana kiranya kita selalu terlalu cenderung untuk mengambilnya apabila keadaannya adalah "calculated risk" dengan bermegah atas dasar berani. Kecuali kita "genuinely", dalam masa yang sama "berani buat berani tanggung" sehingga kita sanggup dirantai leher dan didera.

Asasnya, ukur baju di badan sendiri kerana dalam kehidupan, kita sering berhadapan dengan kos melepas (oppurtunity cost). Kuasa minda dan kebijaksanaanlah yang menentukan apa sebenarnya pilihan kita. Tidak semua kehendak kita kita dapat. Kita tidak mampu menipu diri kita sendiri kendatipun kita mampu membohongi pihak lain.


Si Bayau ini dulu muncul kali pertama dalam Sukan Malaysia, SUKMA, di Sabah. Masa itu Si Bayau masih muda dan diminati ramai. Kini Si Bayau sudah tua dan tidak ramai peminat. Barangkali Si Bayau hanya mampu bercerita buat mengisi sisa- sisa hidup yang mampu Si Bayau ceritakan. Bagaimanapun Tahniahlah kepada adik saya yang dapat mempopularkan si Bayau dulu. Terima kasih Sabahkita kerana memberi ruang pada Bayau buat pertama kalinya.

Cerita Bayau Kali ini ringan-ringan dulu sebelum berat-berat:

Di negara-negara maju seperti Amerika misalnya subsidi dibayar sebagai membantu satu-satu perkhidmatan dapat terus dinikmati oleh rakyatnya. Misalnya Pengangkutan Awam seperti Bus diberi subsidi kerana rakyatnya masih memerlukan perkhidmatan itu. Orang-orang tua yang sudah tak berupaya memandu dapat menggunakan perkhidmatan bus. Orang-orang miskin yang tidak mampu membeli kerita juga akan dapat peluang menggunakan perkhidmatan ini. Tambangnya murah dan dikawal oleh pihak berkuasa atau kerajaan. Kiranya perkhidmatan bus ini tidak diberi subsidi, tentulah pengusahanya akan mengalamai kerugian dan menutup perniagaannya. Dengan demikian golongan yang memerlukannya akan kehilangan punca.

Pengusaha peladangan, misalnya gandum akan juga diberi subsidi. Tetapi subsidi diberi kiranya pengusaha ini diminta untuk mengurangkan pengeluarannya demi menjaga kedudukan harga commoditi berasaskan gandum daripada jatuh merudum. Dengan demikian subsidi ini bersifat sebagai gantirugi (pada keadaan tertentu) kepada pengusaha ladang kerana kerajaan menyekat jumlah keluarannya. Dengan menyekat jumlah keluarannya, penawaran komoditi ini dalam pasaran akan menjadi rendah dan harganya akan stabil atau naik. Harga barang-barang yang berasakan gandum ini juga akan stabil atau terkawal. Kiranya pengeluaran gandum tidak dikawal, penawaranya akan berlebihan di pasaran dan selanjutnya harganya akan jatuh dan harga makanan berasakan gandum akan jatuh. Ini akan mengakibatkan harga ekspot barangan tersebut akan turut jatuh.

Di negara kita subsidi juga diberikan kepada pengangkutan awam. Subsidi minyak dan potongan kadar cukai jalanraya diberikan kepada pengusaha pengangkutan awam terutama dalam keadaan mendesak. Bezanya, semakin kerajaan berusaha memberikan subsidi ini, semakin pula tinggi kehendak pengusaha-pengusaha ini menaikkan kadar tambang walaupun kerajaan cuba mengawalnya. Terdapat usaha mendesak kerajaan menerima kadar tambang yang semakin meningkat. Kehendak menaikkan tambang ini pula semakin bersifat mendesak. Alasan kadang-kadang kurang berkaitan misalnya tambang kenderaan dinaikkan pada kadar mengejut sedangkan kenaikan harga minyak tidaklah pada tahap mengejut berbanding kejutan harga tambang.

Tambah merumitkan lagi apabila harga minyak turun, harga kadar atau harga tambang kenderaan pula tidak diturunkan. Kadang-kadang alasan yang diberikan ialah kerana berlakunya kenaikan harga barang lain seperti makanan seperti gula, tepung dan beras yang langsung tiada kaitan dengan perkhidmatan pengangkutan. Pengguna kenderan juga menanggung akibat dari kenaikan harga makanan tersebut. Dari itu tuntutan kenaikan tambang tidak relevent namun desakan melalui persatuan kadang-kadang terlalu mendesak dan terpaksa dituruti pihak berkuasa. Akibatnya timbul perkhidmatan pengangkutan yang tidak sah seperti ”kerita sapu”. Ini akhirnya merugikan pihak pengusaha perkhidmatan pengangkutan yang berlesen dan apabila ianya tidak terkawal maka sistem yang digariskan akan menjadi rosak dan perkhidmatan pengangkutan haram itu sukar dikawal, terutama apabila telah bertapak dan menemui ruangnya.

Pengusaha pertanian khususnya di Sabah juga diberi subsidi. Pengusaha tanaman padi di Sabah misalnya mendapat subsidi meradu, baja dan subsidi harga padi. Secara tidak lagsung mereka juga mendapat susidi pengairan kerana pump air mereka mendapar subsudi minyak diesel atau petrol. Subsidi dalam sektor padi ini dianggap sebagai ”income support” kepada penanam padi kerana kiranya mereka berhenti dari menanam padi, maka kerajaan akan terpaksa mengimpot keperluan negara. Dengan demikian imbangan pembayaran negara akan meningkat. Tambahan pula beras merupakan bersifat sebagai asas makan utama penduduk.

Masalah timbul apabila sistem penyampaian subsidi tidak diurus dengan sistematik. Kebarangkalian untuk subsidi tidak sampai kepada golongan sasar akan berlaku. Misalnya sekiranya pergerakan hasil padi tidak dipantau dengan baik, ianya besar kemungkinan akan digunakan untuk mendapat subsidi harga padi berulang. Bila keadaan ini berlaku, maka terjadilah kes bilamana jumlah hasil padi seperti beras tidak setimpal dengan jumlah subsidi yang dibayar oleh pihak berkuasa. Timbullah soalan "subsidi sudah dibayar tetapi beras di mana?". Kebarangkalian juga akan berlaku terhadap jumlah keluasan sawah yang diradu tidak seimbang atau setimpal dengan jumlah subsidi meradu yang dibayar.

Si Bayau akan becerita lagi pada kesempatan yang lain

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Forecasting system will raise fish haul to RM11bil

FFS but Tuna is among the garbage in Semporna fish landing area-Pic by Admin
Forecasting system will raise fish haul to RM11bil
Daily Express: Sunday, May 24, 2009
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Kota Kinabalu: Mimos Berhad and the Malaysian Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM) signed a memorandum Saturday to develop a Fish Forecasting System (FFS) to help increase the country's fish production to a value of RM11billion by next year. FFS is a computerised system that generates information on potential fishing zones to enable fishermen using it go directly there without having to waste time and energy detecting fish with conservative ways.

Once fully operational, the FFS is expected to benefit some 12,000 fishermen who are already using the system in Peninsular Malaysia. The MoA was signed and exchanged between Mimos President and CEO, Datuk Abdul Wahab Abdullah, and Datuk Abdul Rahim Ismail, the LKIM Chairman, in a ceremony at Le Meridien.

Under the agreement, Mimos will design and develop the FFS including the development of a fish location forecasting model, database portal development and an information dissemination system to distribute the forecast fish locations. LKIM will provide the content such as in-situ data, oceanography and acoustic data, fish catch and fish landing data.

Abdul Wahab said the FFS, which is expected to be available beginning April 2010 will enable fishermen to save between 20 and 40 per cent of the total time spent on locating potential fishing zones which is currently based on fishermen's tacit knowledge and experience. "In addition, the FFS as Mimos' proof-of-concept for the fisheries industry will demonstrate that our technology platforms are able to cut across all verticals including traditional and non-traditional sectors," he said.

The integration of remote sensing data provided by the Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency in the FSS will play a crucial part in determining the potential fishing zones. The FFS is expected to result in higher fishing productivity, enhance the livelihood of fishermen and achieve a sustainable development for the fisheries industry in Malaysia.

The MoA follows the FFS project's kick-off in August 2007. The FFS is a joint research and development (R&D) project between Mimos, Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency, Department of Fisheries Malaysia (DOF), LKIM and National Fishermen's Association of Malaysia (NEKMAT) for the development of an efficient system for fish forecasting for a sustainable fisheries industry. DOF's role is to collect oceanic and acoustic data obtained from the enumerator and studies carried out by the department.
LKIM and NEKMAT will collect relevant data through appointment of enumerators and vessels and hand over the data to DOF for validation, the Remote Sensing Agency of Malaysia to receive and analyse satellite data for producing SST and Klorofil maps as well as develop and manage data base, and Mimos to produce models for potential fish catching zones and planned development system which involves model design, database and portal concept as well as information for dissemination.
LKIM and NEKMAT will also manage the fish forecasting information dissemination system for fishermen either through the Internet system, short-messaging-system or facsimile. The fisheries industry is one of the main contributors of protein in Malaysia, currently involving 89,453 fishermen. The industry contributed 1.3million metric tonnes of fish in 2007. Abdul Rahim, meanwhile, said LKIM hopes the FFS would be expanded to East Malaysian states, particularly Sabah, under the Tenth Malaysia Plan (RMK-10).

With the availability of such advanced tools, a fisheries institute or school will be set up in the State to prepare the fishermen here in terms of knowledge and skills in using such new and advanced fishing technology. FFS would be able to assist in the effort to ensure sustainable ways of fishing in the country, he said, adding LKIM has predicted fish production would increase to 1.4million metric tonnes between now and next year.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


PAPARAN berikut adalah artikal yang dikirim melalui e-mail oleh seorang sahabat dari jauh-London. Dia banyak membuat kajian mengenai Iranun dan masyarakat "sekitar" Iranun. Sekadar untuk dikongsi dengan rakan-rakan. Ikuti paparan tersebut seperti berikut:-


“..... The women, especially from Kota Belud, make beautiful embroidered panels sewn into their long black wrap-skirt. Traditional headgear worn by almost every indigenous group known as kain dastar is one of their specialty. The Binadan (from Kudat) is well known for their kain pis, a richly embroidered one-meter piece of two-facing cloth”.

"Satu ciri pakaian tradisi masyarakat asli yang sangat ketara ialah penggunaan tanjak yang dibuat daripada sekeping kain dastar berukuran tiga kaki persegi yang ditenun oleh suku kaum Iranun di Kota Belud. Apabila ia dilipat dan diikat, kain hiasan kepala atau siga ini dipakai oleh kebanyakan kaum asli Sabah.."

WARISAN SABAH, Pengenalan Ringkas Sejarah dan Warisan Sabah. Muzium Sabah, Kota Kinabalu 1992

According to the Sabah tourist magazine (August 2003, Vol 30, p. 18), “One of the indigenous groups in Sabah, the Irranun people are one of the sub-group of the Bajau community. The tribe is believed to have migrated to Mindanao and returned back to Sabah in the 18th century… The Irranuns embraced Islam while they were in Mindanao in the years 1475-1515.” They quote the source of their information as being from the Sabah Society Journal 5: 77-82, 1970 and Sabah Museum Department: History/Epigraphy Department, 1995.

During the colonial days, the Iranun and Bajau in the Kota Belud district were lumped together and considered at times as the same people. They were both Muslim groups and although they spoke an entirely different language, still the British rulers would just lump them all together. “Today many citizens of Iranun heritage have the label ‘Bajau’ on their identity card.” (Pugh-Kitingan and Pandikar Mulia 1996) During the 1960’s a Banjar by birth who registered as a Bajau, Sintam Keruak whose name was changed to Tun Mohd Said Keruak, refused to register the Iranun people as Iranun and instead listed them as Bajau saying there were no Iranun in Sabah. (Iranun interview #23; email 09/12/06; personal communication 09/06) This happened during the time Tun Mustapha was the chief minister in Sabah.

In the past it was not unusual for Iranun men to claim to be Bajau when they mixed with the wider society who may know the name Bajau but not Iranun, or who still insists on calling them ‘Ilanun’ with its negative connotation. However, according to some of the old people, in the very early days, the Iranun and Bajau did not intermarry. In fact according to their oral tradition, before the colonial days, in early years, the Iranun have always been from the ruler tribes and some considered the Bajau or Sama people below them. Until today, the Iranun have various ‘strata’, rankings, which show up when it is time for a person to marry. (see marriage section below) Today these two groups do intermarry, however, earlier many of the Iranun did not tend to live in mixed villages. There are some Iranun villages where the majority of people are still only Iranun, with a very distinctive language.

There have been and continue to various things that make the Iranun feel their identity is threatened. The “Bajaus of the East” are widely advertised for tourism and people will go to Kota Belud to the ‘Tamu’ on Sunday to see these “Bajau” all dressed up on ponies. This “Bajau Horsemen” was started by Datuk Golkan Hasbollah whose mother was Iranun and father Bajau (email 2006). He is Bajau native chief for Kota Belud. Although as Masrin Hassin, an Iranun leader and Kota Belud Iranun native chief pointed out, (personal conversation), the Bajau in other areas of the country do now own horses, so why is it only the Bajau in our area use horses?

He conjectures that they took the Iranun practices and made it their own. Dr. Pugh-Kitingan[1] also in a public meeting at Wisma Muis, September, 2006, confirmed this along with pointing out many other cultural practices or items that originally were Iranun. She mentioned it appears that the Iranun were the ones supplying various musical objects to the interior indigenous communities.

Tan Sri Pandikar (2003) tells of an incident when he was a university student and he attended an exhibition of traditional handicrafts and costumes. He states he was shocked to see his horse saddle made by his uncle that he had given to his art teacher in college with the label of “This is a traditional Bajau saddle” and at the same exhibition to see a tubau, traditional head wear, listed as woven by the Kadazandusun. An interesting thing happened one day while we were in an Iranun village. There was a newspaper picture of a line-up of the ‘cowboys’. One of the men pointed out to us that the majority of these ‘Bajau cowboys’ were Iranun and named each one along with the village he came from. A couple we even recognized ourselves.

Pugh Kitingan and Pandikar Mulia (1996) states “The historical importance of Iranun influence, particularly among the other west coastal communities, cannot be underestimated. It can be clearly seen in the composition and decoration of many traditional costumes, house construction, music and musical instrumental ensembles, “Bajau horsemen”, dispersal of textiles, certain linguistic terms and so on”. The Iranun sakadaremetan a kulintangan is related to the kolintang ensemble the Maranao people in Mindanao use. When reading about traditional Maranao culture we can also see the similarity with the Sabah Iranun. They both still do backloom weaving, tapestry weaving and woodcarving.

[1] Jacueline Pugh-Kitingan earned a PhD in ethnomusicology at the University of Queensland, is Associate Professor and KadazanDusun Chair at the University of Sabah, Malaysia

Dear Kibin,

You will see even the locals, some Iranun themselves too, can't even spell their own name. "Irranun" phonetically would have to be pronounced "Ir- ran - un", but it is pronounced I-ran-un. The Iranun need to rise up from their lethargy and their pretention to be Malay - to who those in WMalaysia will say - no way they are not us - we are the true Malay because of our ancestors etc.. Govt says 'you are Malay based on Malay language, culture & religion', however, that is all politics -- when it comes to other areas, to identity then no, the groups are thrown back.

Seriously from what one can see/study, the Iranun traditionally had an extremely rich culture and they are the ones who have had great influence on the other groups. Why do you think it's the Iranun woven head gear that all these groups wear, using different ways of lipat them, for their own ceremonial occasions? Obviously since it's already used in ceremonial occasions as long as the older generation of Bajau and Dusun can remember, it's been around a LONG time. Today, even at the committee meeting Rita was saying to me the Bajau are weaving -- well, we know they learned it from the Iranun -- and unless the Iranun are willing to stand up and point out traditionally they are the ones who had this beautiful skill/craft, then again the Iranun children, the next generation are POOR, poor -- having nothing -- and is it any wonder they are ashamed to admit who they are? The Iranun, though a smaller group, have had influence on these larger groups.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

SABAH: RM370m for Sabah agropolitan projects

Published on: Wednesday, May 20, 2009
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Kota Kinabalu: A total RM370 million has been allocated for five agropolitan projects for this year and next under the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC), Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said Tuesday.

The projects are in Kota Belud (RM70 million), Pitas (RM120 million), Kemabong (RM40 million), Beluran (RM60 million) and Tongod (RM80 million), he said after chairing the State Steering Committee on Poverty Eradication/SPKR at Wisma Innoprise near here. Between 5,000 and 5,500 hardcore poor household heads are expected to benefit from these five projects, which would see rubber as its main economic activity and the main implementing agency would be the Sabah Rubber Industry Board (SRIB).

Three of the projects in Kota Belud, Pitas and Kemabong are expected to start this year with preliminary works such as perimeter surveying and Environmental Impact Assessment in Kota Belud and Kemabong to start soon. For Pitas, about 4,000 hectares had so far been cleared for the project, while in Kemabong about 6,000 acres of rubber plantation would be developed in Kampung Kabintaluan. While for the Kota Belud Agropolitan in Kampung Rosob/Surun and Kampung Pintasan, apart from the 2,000-acre rubber plantation it would also include dairy farming costing about RM53 million.
Daily Express


Pemenang Foto 1Malaysia terima hadiah

Gambar: NAJIB bersama pemenang Pertandingan Foto 1Malaysia dari kiri, Noor Diyana, Liew dan Md Azrul selepas menyampaikan hadiah pertandingan itu di pejabatnya di Putrajaya, semalam.

PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Najib Razak semalam menyampaikan hadiah kepada tiga pemenang Pertandingan Foto 1Malaysia di pejabatnya di Bangunan Putra Perdana, di sini. Terdahulu, pemenang terbabit dibawa melawat sekitar kawasan pejabat Perdana Menteri sebelum bertemu Najib untuk menerima hadiah. Mereka ialah Henry Liew Su Loong, 21; Md Azrul Shaffiq Md Suhaimi, 20; dan Noor Diyana Mohmad Apandi, 20.

Mereka dipilih pemenang berdasarkan kreativiti menonjolkan konsep muhibah dan perpaduan yang menjadi elemen penting konsep 1Malaysia dalam foto mereka. Liew yang dinobatkan juara menerima kamera DSLR Canon, manakala Md Azrul Shaffiq dan Noor Diyana masing-masing menerima telefon bimbit Nokia E63 dan pemain MP3 i-Pod Touch. Pertandingan Foto 1Malaysia diumumkan Perdana Menteri pada 28 Februari lalu di Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), diikuti oleh laman blog pada hari sama.

Ia berlangsung 1 hingga 31 Mac lalu dengan tema Perpaduan Melalui Kepelbagaian dan terbuka kepada semua rakyat negara ini berusia antara 18 hingga 23 tahun. – Bernama Liew dari Kudat, Sabah ketika ditemui selepas majlis penyampaian hadiah mengakui terkejut apabila diberitahu beliau dipilih pemenang utama. Anak pemandu bas dan guru itu berkata, beliau tidak pernah mengimpikan untuk muncul juara memandangkan ini penyertaan pertamanya dalam pertandingan seumpama itu. "Saya sangat gembira kerana penyertaan pertama membuahkan hasil. Ia adalah galakan untuk saya terus mengejar cita-cita sebagai jurugambar," kata penuntut Institut Seni Sabah itu.

Beliau berkata, gambar kanak-kanak di sebuah tadika di Kota Kinabalu itu dipilih kerana ia mencerminkan konsep perpaduan tanpa mengira kaum, agama atau bangsa. "Saya mahu sampaikan mesej bahawa perpaduan boleh disemai sejak dari usia kanak-kanak lagi," katanya -

Sabah: Dua pelancong dikuarantin-positif Influenza A (H1N1)

PUTRAJAYA: Dua pelancong asing kini dikuarantin di sebuah homestay di Sabah selepas dikesan menaiki pesawat Cathay Pacific CX831 dari Amerika Syarikat bersama dengan seorang warga asing lain, yang disahkan positif Influenza A (H1N1) sejurus tiba di Hong Kong, kelmarin.

(Gambar: Kota Kinabalu, Ibu Negeri Sabah)

Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan (Kesihatan Awam), Datuk Dr Ramlee Rahmat, berkata mereka dikesan selepas Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) memaklumkan bahawa ada dua warga asing yang menaiki pesawat sama dengan mangsa disahkan positif H1N1 oleh pihak berkuasa Hong Kong sudah meneruskan penerbangan ke Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. "Kedua-dua penumpang terbabit dikesan sejurus tiba dengan pesawat Dragon Air KA061 di Kota Kinabalu, 17 Mei lalu dan mereka kini dikuarantin selama tujuh hari di sebuah homestay di Sabah. Mereka kini sihat dan hanya dibenarkan meninggalkan Malaysia selepas tempoh kuarantin tamat minggu depan," katanya kepada pemberita pada sidang media, di sini, semalam.


UPDATE:.... (21 Mei, 2009)Pasangan Amerika mahu segera keluar kuarantin

Monday, May 18, 2009

Anifah prepared to face any legal action by Anwar

Facing the masked media: Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah Aman speaking to pressmen upon his arrival at KLIA after his visit to the United States. Even he was not spared the A (H1N1) flu fears as reporters and cameramen wore masks during the interview. At the press conference, Anifah stood by his claim that he had been offered the deputy prime minister’s post by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as a lure to switch sides.-Bernama

SEPANG: Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah Aman stands by his claim that Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim offered him the Deputy Prime Minister’s post as an incentive to join Pakatan Rakyat. He said he was prepared to face any legal action Anwar may take against him. He said Anwar himself had admitted that he had contacted him (Anifah) once, and that was when the offer was made. Anifah said he had made it clear then that he had no intention of leaving Umno and Barisan Nasional.

“Anwar does not call someone just to say ‘hello,’ so I want you to think for yourself what other reason he could have to call me, if not to make me the offer,” he told a press conference here after returning from his trip to the United States yesterday.

During a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington on Friday, Anifah had claimed that Anwar offered him the position to persuade him to switch sides after the general election last year. However, on Saturday, Anwar denied making the offer, while his lawyer Sankara Nair, in a statement, said that Anwar had instructed him to file a defamation suit against Anifah if he did not issue an apology by yesterday.

On why he had waited until now to make the offer public, Anifah said the matter was only highlighted while he was in the United States after a reporter there posed a question to him on Malaysia’s treatment of Anwar. Anifah said he was disappointed with the poor picture of Malaysia, its leaders and the judicial system Anwar had painted overseas. “I explained to journalists there that the High Court would not have reinstated Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as Perak Mentri Besar if it had not been free and independent,” he said.

Anifah said the United States was Malaysia’s biggest trading partner and if its people started to believe Anwar’s claims, it could lead to sanctions that would hurt Malaysia’s economy. “This is why it is important to counter his claims and change the people’s perception by showing them the real picture of Malaysia,” he said.

On his meeting with Clinton, Anifah said one of the matters discussed was the handing-over of the two Malaysians being held at Guantanamo Bay. He said he was told that Malaysia would be informed of their fate after the US authorities completed their review of the case involving the two men – Mohd Farik Amin @ Zaid @ Zubair, 34, and Mohammed Nazir Lep @ Bashir Lep @ Lillie, 33 – at the end of the month.

He said Malaysia was also invited to join the Contact Group for Piracy, off the Coast of Somalia, after the country offered its expertise in fighting piracy in the Straits of Malacca. “We are also happy with the United States’s call for us to make more visits to the country as a means to enhance government-to-government and people-to-people relations,” he said.
SOURCE: The Star.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Anifah slams Anwar for not telling the truth about Malaysia

Anifah slams Anwar for not telling the truth about Malaysia
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WASHINGTON: Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah Aman on Thursday blasted opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for not telling the truth about Malaysia and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

"We have utmost faith in our judicial system. And insofar as Anwar Ibrahim is concerned, we know him very, very well. More or less, what he has said, especially overseas, most of the things (he said) are untrue. "He has repeatedly said before the election that he would provide evidence and yet, until today, he has not given anything," Anifah said at a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton here. Anwar had said that he would form a government on Sept 16 last year but had changed the dates several times. "He was trying to entice the members of parliament. I was also offered to jump to the opposition with promise of a lucrative position, and told that it's akin to a (post of) deputy prime minister. These are not known to the world at large (until now)."

Anifah said the government was concerned that Anwar had been tarnishing the image of the country abroad. "He has given the wrong impression and accused all government officials of being corrupt." Meanwhile, Malaysia has expressed hope to the US for the return of two citizens being held at the US-operated military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The matter was raised during a bilateral meeting on Thursday between Anifah and Clinton at the State Department here. "Malaysia has expressed its hope for the return of the two Malaysians once the review process of the two prisoners is completed," Wisma Putra said in a statement in Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Farik Amin or Zaid (Zubair) and Mohammed Nazir Lep or Bashir Lep (Lillie) were held for their alleged involvement in Jemaah Islamiah and al-Qaeda militant groups since 2003. They are among 250 detainees held at the US facility.
At the meeting, both leaders of the countries also reaffirmed their commitment towards the conclusion of the bilateral Free Trade Agreement. "Malaysia hopes that as a major economic power, United States would exercise flexibility and understanding to help facilitate the conclusion of the Malaysia-US Free Trade Agreement (Musfta)," the statement added. Malaysia remained supportive of the efforts taken by US President Barack Obama's administration to reach out to the Muslim world and welcomed its commitment to a two-state solution in the Middle East conflict, as well as appreciated its support to the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Roadmap towards peace.

Anifah also extended an invitation to Clinton to visit Malaysia when she attends the Asean Post-Ministerial Conference and the Asean Regional Forum in July. -- Bernama
Ref also.........
Menteri Luar ditawar jawatan ' lumayan' untuk lompat

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Lawatan Mantan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani Malaysia, YB Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin (Kini YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia) ke Kota Belud (Gambar) beberapa tahun yang lalu adalah antara langkah lanjutan/susulan dari persetujuan kerajaan Persekutuan mengisytiharkan satu kawasan di Kota Belud sebagai Jelapang Padi. Samada di panggil Mini Jelapang Padi tetap juga ianya jelapang padi. Pada lawatan tersebut dikatakan bahawa pengujudan Jelapang Padi Kota Belud akan memakan perbelanjaan lebih kurang RM200 Juta memandangkan ianya akan meliputi pemodenan sistem pengairan, jalan ladang dan peniktarafan infrastruktur. Perancangan tersebut kononnya sebagai menjadikan perusahaan menanam padi "Secara Komersil", dan bukan sekadar "melonjakkan" jumlah pengeluaran padi dan beras dalam negeri. "Bagaimana agak rupabentuk "komersil" yang dimaksudkan sedangkan keluaran masih terlalu kurang dan tidak mencukupi?
(Gambar: Bagunan Pusat memperoses Benih Padi di Timbang Manggaris Kota Belud yang menelan Belanja sebanyak lebih RM 21 juta ini kini telahpun di Siapkan)
Sehingga ke hari ini pemasyuran/Pengistyiharan Jelapang Padi secara sah dan resmi sebagai "Jelapang Padi Kota Belud oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan" masih lagi menjadi tanda tanya. Kedudukan perkara ini perlu diterangkan kepada umum, sekurang-kurangnya sebagai penyuntik semangat dan memeberi harapan untuk mereka terus berbudi kepada tanah sawah dan bendang dan menjadikan padi sebagai aktiviti pertanian yang mendapat dokongan kerajaan.
(Gambar: Dari kiri - Pengarah Pertanian Negeri, Encik Ismail Salam; Mantan Pembantu Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani dan ADUN Usukan, Datuk Japlin Akim; Mantan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Rahim Ismail; dan YAB Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Musa Haji Aman memeriksa Benih Padi hasil keluaran Bangunan Pusat Pengeluaran Benih Padi sempena perasmian Bangunan tersebut pada 8 Januari 2008
Harus diingat bahawa Dasar Pertanian Negara II mensasarkan untuk "mentain" 65% Tahap Saradiri (SSL-Self Sifficiency Level) pengeluaran beras dalam Negara dan mengimport sebanyak 35% menjelang tahun 2101 (kurang setahun dari sekarang). Pada keadaan sebenar, Malaysia mengeluarkan lebih dari peratus sasaran itu, yakni sehingga mencecah lebih 75%. Dasar Pertanian Negeri Sabah III pula mensasarkan 60% SSL menjelang tahun 2010. Malangnya Sabah hanya mengeluarkan purata kurang dari 35% setahun dan jumlahnya BERSIFAT menurun sejak 1985 sehinggalah ke hari ini. Maka satu keajaiban (miracle) akan berlaku jika sasaran 60% SSL itu tercapai dalam jangkawaktu kurang 7 bulan dari sekarang.
Selaras dengan 'impian" merelisasikan Jelapang padi di Sabah yang pertama di Kota Belud, satu pusat Pemperosesan Benih Padi telah dibina atas biaya Kerajaan Negeri di Timbang Manggaris, Kota Belud. Kos Pembinaan pusat ini lebih kurang RM21 Juta. Jelasnya kerajaan Negeri lebih serius dalam mejayakan impian itu.
Bagi merealisasikan "impian" itu, perlantikan "Juru Perunding" telahpun dibuat bagi tujuan, antaranya, mengemukakan cadangan professional dan terperinci mengenai reka bentuk dan pembenaan sistem pengairan dan infrasruktur yang berkaitan. Kontrak bagi khidmat juruperunding ini juga menelan perbelanjaan jutaan Ringgit sekiranya perancangan asal diambil kira.
".......Walaupun agak sukar tetapi saya berpendapat adalah tidak mustahil untuk mencapai tahap 60 peratus sara diri menjelang tahun 2010. Purata penghasilan padi sawah telah menunjukkan peningkatan sejak tahun 2002. Pengeluaran beras negeri telah meningkat daripada 86,324 tan metrik dalam tahun 2002 kepada 91,975 tan metrik dalam tahun 2003. Saya juga dimaklumkan bahawa anggaran pengeluaran beras bagi tahun 2004 juga telah menunjukkan peningkatan iaitu sebanyak 101,984 tan metrik .........
Pada persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Mei 2008 lepas, Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman mengumumkan peruntukan sebanyak RM90 juta untuk pembinaan jelapang padi negeri Sabah di Kota Belud yang melibatkan tanah seluas 10,000 hektar. Teakhir kita terbaca peruntukkan sebanyak RM40 juta untuk memajukan "Jelapang Padi Kota Belud" dalam rancangan Pembangunan Koridor Sabah (SDC). Semakin berkurangan dan berkurangan.

Ke mana terpadamnya butiran peruntukan untuk pembangunan Jelapang Padi Kota Belud. Dari anggaran RM200 Juta ke RM 90 juta dan terakhir RM40 juta (RM20 Juta mengukut laporan Utusan Malaysia (17 Ogos 2008)?. Apakah jumlah yang terakhir di bawah SDC ini akan terpadam juga atu di tolak bahagi lagi? Apa yang telah terjadi dengan perlantikan Juru Perunding? Apakah kerajaan akan meneruskan scheme susidi membayar kos meradu (di Sabah sahaja), subsidi baja dan subsidi harga padi yang jumlah keseluruhannyanya jauh lebih tinggi dari nilai hasil keluaran beras yang keluarkan di negeri Sabah ini?. Kenapa jumlah subsidi ini terlalu tinggi jumlahnya? Aatu para penanam padi digalak beralih tanaman yang lebih menguntungkan?
Apakah "Jelapang Padi Kota Belud telah diistyiharkan secara resmi oleh Kerajaan Malaysia atau sekadar menjadikan ia sebagai KONSEP "kawasan hijau"?. Perkara ini perlu kerana tanpa pengistyiharan resmi, Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani atau kerajaan Pusat belum "obligated" per se untuk menganugerahkan peruntukan pembangunnya mengikut "peraturan buku".
1. Masih banyak persoalan yang perlu dikupas dalam ruang yang sempit ini. (Baca pandangan rengkas Professor DiRaja Ungku Aziz mengenai tanaman padi secra comparative advantage, lebih baik mengimpot beras-sedikit dalam Konspirasi Politik Melayu oleh Saudara Musli Oli.
2. Semoga ada kesempatan lain dan ruang untuk membicaranya.
3. Saya teringat titisan air mata Saudara Ahmad Sah Haji Jeragan yang teruja dengan pengumuman Kerajaan mengenai Jelapang Padi Kota Belud yang ingin direlisasikan suatu waktu dulu. Ahmad Sah adalah penerima Anugerah Petani Terbaik (Penanam Padi) yang menghasikan lebih 11 MT padi sehektar di Kota Belud pada tahun 2005.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sabah Has A New Deputy CM, Raymond Tan Remains In Cabinet

May 13, 2009 13:36 PM
Sabah Has A New Deputy CM, Raymond Tan Remains In Cabinet
By: Ramjit
KOTA KINABALU, May 13 (Bernama) -- Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman today announced a minor Cabinet reshuffle which, among others, saw Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah replaced as a deputy chief minister by Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Peter Pang En Yin but retained as a minister.Tan, former deputy president of the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) which pulled out of the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition in September last year, was partyless for almost nine months until he joined Gerakan, a peninsula-based BN component, recently.Musa said Tan, who had held the infrastructure development portfolio, would now be minister of industrial development, taking over from Datuk Ewon Ebin who has been appointed rural development minister.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who had held the rural development portfolio, has been appointed infrastructure development minister, Musa told reporters after chairing a meeting of the State Cabinet, here.Musa also announced the appointment of Merotai state assemblyman Pang Yuk Ming as assistant minister of infrastructure development, replacing Datuk Michael Asang who has been appointed assistant minister of industrial development.Datuk Jainab Ahmad Ayid, who was assistant minister of industrial development, has been appointed assistant minister of resource development and information technology, taking over from Donald Peter Mojuntin who has been appointed assistant minister of finance.

The portfolios of the other ministers and assistant ministers remain unchanged.Musa said the appointments were made after getting the views of the leaders of the BN component parties and the agreement of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak."With the new Cabinet line-up, our agenda of giving priority to the people remains and we will continue to focus our efforts on working more and talking less," he said.Musa said he hoped that Tan's position in the Cabinet would no longer be politicised, a matter which according to him was a waste of time and did not bring any benefit.

"Much remains to be implemented in terms of development which surely demands the commitment of the leaders and the undivided support of the people to bring success," he said.Musa called on all leaders to pool their resources and cooperate to improve the lot of the people and develop the state.On the position of Datuk Japlin Akim whose Umno membership was suspended for three years by the party's disciplinary board, Musa said he was still assistant minister of infrastructure development.

Meanwhile, Tan said he respected Musa's decision to relieve him as a deputy chief minister and thanked Musa for having retained him as a minister."I am honoured to be appointed. In fact, I already tendered my resignation from my Cabinet post last September but I was asked by the chief minister to stay on," he told reporters after Musa had announced the Cabinet reshuffle.Saying that it would be a challenge for him to serve as industrial development minister, Tan pledged to carry out his duties diligently."What is important now is harmony among the BN component parties in the state," he said.Pang said he was grateful to Musa for having appointed him as a deputy chief minister.-- BERNAMA

Sabah a satisfying experience

SABAH is a "very satisfying" place to visit, according to pharmacy students of the International Medical University who stormed Sabah Muesum's Heritage Village, Monday. "This is my first visit and my first experience to see these unique ethnic tribes and they are so friendly," said Kwan Zuan Ur, after having a whale of a time dancing with the Papar Kadazandusun cultural troupe, including Minister Datuk Masidi himself.

Asked how they got to know the Heritage Village, she said: "Our driver brought us." Apart from culture, the other memorable aspect of Sabah was the seafood. "We were in Sandakan the last couple of days and practically gorged on lots of seafood because it's so nice, so fresh and yet so cheap compared to KL where it's so hard to get, so expensive and not fresh," she said. "The scenery is fantastic, the beaches pristine. Here you have fresh clean air, KL is polluted, Port Dickson's beaches are polluted," Zuan Ur continued.

Sepilok differed from what she had "visualized" she noted. "Only two Orangutans came out but they looked natural and much slimmer than the big bloated ones we had seen KL zoos." "We are very curious especially about Mt Kinabalu. We want to climb it," Zuan Ur said. "Sabah is good fun," said Yun Lee, classmate of Zuab Ur. "What makes Sabah very special is its wealth of unique cultures which we cannot see in KL so I am very happy to have seen them."
Daily Express:......

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Evidence piling up that worst of recession is over

Evidence is piling up that the worst part of the recession has ended. But that doesn't mean the pain is over. A better-than-expected unemployment report Friday - job losses declined to the lowest level in six months - capped a week of encouraging news, including firmer home sales, a revival in consumer spending and fresh optimism about the biggest U.S. banks.

The economy remains vulnerable to further shocks, and 13.7 million people are unemployed. The jobless rate rose to 8.9 percent in the new report and still seems headed for a stinging 10 percent. Yet confidence is building that the recession, the longest since the Great Depression, will end this summer or fall, setting the stage for a slow recovery.

Pointing to recent improvements, President Barack Obama said Friday "the gears of our economic engine do seem to be slowly turning once again." By some measures, the darkest months have passed. The plunges in economic activity and rising waves of layoffs, seen from the end of 2008 through the start of this year, seem to have subsided.

"The winds are still howling, but I think we can see the sunlight on the distant horizon," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's "Clearly, the job losses are moderating."
Wall Street investors could see the sunlight, too. The Dow Jones industrials gained nearly 165 points and finished 4.4 percent higher for the week. It was the eighth gain for the index in nine weeks.

The economy probably is still shrinking in the current quarter but only at about half the pace - around 3 percent - that it had in the prior six months, the worst in 50 years. Businesses are expected to be cutting back far less on things like home building, commercial construction, equipment and software. And factories could then boost production to replenish razor-thin stockpiles of goods. Many believe the economy could start growing again by summer or, more likely, by the final quarter of this year, as the impact of tax cuts and increased government spending on big public works projects contained in Obama's $787 billion stimulus package takes hold. Job losses are expected to continue through the rest of the year, but are likely to be smaller in number.

Losses averaged 700,000 a month in the first quarter but dropped to 539,000 in April, according to Friday's Labor Department report. They should average around 500,000 in the current quarter and taper off to 250,000 a month in the final quarter of the year, according to some projections. That's probably cold comfort to Tara Barrone, 28, of McLean, Va., who was checking out job prospects at the Secret Service at a career fair Friday. "Government jobs are popular because of the sense of stability," she said.

"I know I'm looking for a sense of security and permanency after being laid off twice in the last year." The lines at the Secret Service booth were much longer than at other recruiters. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke earlier this week gave his most optimistic prediction yet about the end of the recession. He said he expects the economy to start growing again this year - though the comeback could be weak and more jobs will disappear even after a recovery takes hold.

A burst of hiring by the federal government to prepare for the 2010 Census played a big role in the April improvement. Smaller payrolls cuts at construction companies, factories, retailers and financial services also factored in. The unemployment rate, however, climbed to 8.9 percent, the highest since late 1983. It will probably keep rising the rest of the year, even if monthly job losses continue to slow. Companies won't spring into hiring mode until they feel confident that an economic recovery is firmly rooted.

The Fed says unemployment will remain elevated into 2011. Economists say the job market may not get back to normal - meaning a 5 percent unemployment rate - until 2013. If laid-off workers who have given up looking for new jobs or have settled for part-time work are included, the unemployment rate in April would have been 15.8 percent, the highest in records dating back to 1994. The total number of unemployed now stands at 13.7 million. Still, a string of reports out this week suggested the recession is finally starting to lose its bite and the economy is stabilizing.

-The number of newly laid-off workers filing applications for jobless benefits plunged to the lowest level in 14 weeks.
- Sales at many retailers fared better in April, with Wal-Mart Stores Inc. leading the way.
- Construction spending rose in March, the first increase after five straight months of declines. An index of pending home sales also ticked up.
- The U.S. services sector contracted in April at a slower pace than the prior month.
- Government exams of the nation's biggest banks helped lift a cloud of uncertainty that has hung over the economy.

Those "stress test" results - a key administration effort to boost confidence in the financial system - showed nine of the 19 biggest banks have enough capital to withstand a deeper recession. Ten must raise a total of $75 billion in new capital to withstand possible future losses. Taken altogether, the recent news provides "very clear signs that we are making progress toward reaching a bottom, which is the first step you need to accomplish before you can achieve a turnaround," said Ken Mayland, president of ClearView Economics. "A recovery is now in sight."

However, the housing, credit and financial crises - the worst since the 1930s - have racked up a lot of damage, and it could take years to get back to normal. Since the recession began in December 2007, the economy has lost a net total of 5.7 million jobs. The 741,000 lost in January were the most since the fall of 1949. Job cuts have continued this week. Steelmaker Severstal International said it's idling plants in West Virginia and Ohio, resulting in 3,100 layoffs. Microsoft Corp. said it was starting thousands of the 5,000 job cuts it announced earlier this year and left the door open to even more.

As the recession eats into sales and profits, companies have turned to other cost-cutting measures, too. Those including holding down workers' hours and freezing or cutting pay. The average work week in April stayed at 33.2 hours, matching the record low set in March. And workers' wages barely budged, meaning consumers will probably stay somewhat cautious in the months ahead. Average hourly earnings nudged up to $18.51, a 0.1 percent rise. Slower job losses across a number of industries - along with 66,000 more federal jobs - helped to temper the overall payroll reductions in April.

The pickup in federal employment was mainly due to the hiring of 63,000 temporary Census workers. By fall, the Census Bureau expects to have hired 1.4 million workers. Stephen L. Buckner, a Census Bureau spokesman, said turnover and finding qualified applicants haven't been a problem, "with the economy the way that it is." Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, wouldn't speculate on the future pace of layoffs but warned that some of the jobs lost "may not come back." She urged jobseekers to get training and education to be contenders for work in growing industries, such as health care, which added nearly 17,000 jobs in April. Obama asked states and colleges to help jobless people pursue education and training without losing their unemployment benefits.

States generally require people who collect unemployment to be actively looking for work, which can make it difficult to sign up for school or job training. Under Obama's plan, going to school would satisfy the requirement that they were seeking new employment. "We're still in the midst of a recession that was years in the making and will be months or even years in the unmaking," Obama said. But he added: "Step by step, we are making progress." - AP


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Keputusan beli SMC (Sabah Medical Center) dialu-alukan

KOTA KINABALU 5 Mei - Rakyat Sabah menyambut baik keputusan kerajaan membeli bangunan Pusat Perubatan Sabah (SMC) di sini bagi mengatasi masalah kesesakan di Hospital Queen Elizabeth (QEH). Mereka yang ditemui Utusan Malaysia berpendapat, pilihan itu amat tepat kerana SMC mempunyai kemudahan perubatan yang mencukupi selain lokasinya yang strategik dan bersesuaian.

Gambar: Kerajaan Persekutuan bersetuju membeli Bangunan ini, SMC dengan harga RM245 Juta.

Seorang penduduk, Saimin Salim, 57, berkata, keputusan kerajaan Persekutuan perlu dilaksanakan segera oleh pihak bertanggungjawab demi kebaikan penduduk di sini. "Dengan pengumuman ini, impian akan menjadi kenyataan. Penduduk bandar ini dan kawasan berdekatan akan mendapatkan rawatan yang berkualiti," katanya.

Keputusan membeli SMC bagi mengatasi kesesakan di QEH diumumkan Najib ketika berucap pada Majlis Perhimpunan Rakyat di Padang Merdeka di sini hari ini. Pandangan itu dikongsi bersama Raidah Sami, 48, yang menyifatkan usaha kerajaan itu dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang telah berlarutan sejak setahun lalu. "Saya harap dengan keputusan tersebut akan mampu mengatasi masalah kesesakan, kekurangan katil untuk pesakit di QEH. Ia perlu disegerakan kerana keadaan (kesesakan) di QEH kini semakin kritikal," katanya. Sementara itu, Ramli Kubun, 47, berkata, dengan pengambilalihan SMC, Kementerian Kesihatan turut digesa menempatkan lebih ramai doktor pakar di hospital berkenaan. "Kita tidak mahu ada perbezaan layanan dan kualiti antara SMC dan QEH," katanya. Seorang lagi penduduk, Luprin Andus, 51, berkata, keputusan mengambil bangunan SMC itu membuktikan pemimpin mengotakan apa yang dikatakannya.

Sabah is the best example, says Najib AND Advice to Sabahan Ministers

Published on: Tuesday, May 05, 2009
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Kota Kinabalu: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on his maiden visit to Sabah as Prime Minister praised the State for displaying the best example of his "One Malaysia: People First, Performance Now" concept. He said no other State in the country fully epitomised the concept than Sabah. With 45 ethnic and sub-ethnic groups in Sabah, he said the State is indeed very colourful.

"This (Sabah) is the best example of the One Malaysia concept. Not only we (here) respect one another but it is seamless between them," he said. Speaking at a dinner hosted by the State Government for him and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, at Pacific Sutera, he said there were no barriers between the people here. Citing Umno, he said there are Kadazans and Dusuns in the party who sometimes wear their traditional attire and at other times the Baju Melayu during party meetings.

"Hence, most important is not the person's racial background but the fact that he is a Rakyat Malaysia. This is what makes us strong among one another," he said. Sabah, he said, is very important to the Barisan Nasional to enable the BN continue leading the country. Thanking the State for its firm support to him, he believed that it would continue to do so. Recalling his statement a few years ago that Sabah is like a "fixed deposit" in the BN, he quipped his visit was to check the value of the fixed deposit and believed the value would remain at a high level. Based on the support from the people in Sabah to the BN, he said they would continue to provide confidence to the Barisan.

On the Federal Government's part, he said it would continue to fulfil Sabah needs. This explained why he appointed four full Ministers and five Deputy Ministers from Sabah. However, he said that to ensure the Barisan Nasional's (BN) victory in the next 13th general election, the work must start from now. "The work starts now and it must be carried out now and also it must be continuous," he stressed, adding that people are becoming more knowledgeable and aspired to see changes. In this respect, everyone must go down to the rakyat's level and help to unravel the problems and difficulties they face.

He said sitting in the comfort of an air-conditioned office is different compared to if they go down to immerse themselves on how the people felt. Explaining the "walk about" method he introduced within 24 hours of assuming the nation's leadership, he said it simply means looking at what is happening on the ground and at the same time strike a friendship with the people.
Advice to Sabahan Ministers
Published on: Tuesday, May 05, 2009
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FEDERAL Ministers and Deputy Ministers from Sabah have been urged to focus on development throughout the country and not just in the State. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib said that as a member of the Federal Cabinet they are, in fact, national leaders. "As a Minister, your orientation should focus not only on Sabah. You have to consider Sarawak and Pahang (among others) also," he said.

He also said he had improved the portfolio assignments for the Ministers knowing that development is an important agenda for Sabah and Sarawak. In a jest, he said that if there are complaints concerning utilities and infrastructure, they should refer to Sabah. On a serious note, Najib said he re-assigned the portfolios with Sabah leaders in his mind. "Kalau dulu ada orang komplen kita bagi (Sabah) jaga muzium, tapi kali ni kita bagi dia luar bandar (if previously people complained we give (Sabah) the (Cultural, Arts and Heritage Ministry) this time we give him (Datuk Shafie Apdal) Rural and Regional Development)," he said.

Najib said he also gave the important portfolio of Plantation Industries and Commodities to Sabah (Tan Sri Bernard Dompok). In fact, he said he also assigned a Sabahan to become the Foreign Minister (Datuk Anifah Aman). He said if possible more Sabahans would be accommodated in his Cabinet but that it could not be expanded.

Nevertheless, he said the Deputy Ministers also play an important role towards the welfare of the people in Sabah, the State and the country in general. He said his maiden visit to Sabah in his capacity as PM would not be the first as he would be coming down here more often in the future.
He hoped to visit Sabah's interior such as Keningau so that he could meet the people there and help the State continue to develop under the BN.

Present were Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and wife Datin Seri Faridah Tussin, Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia and wife and State Speaker Datuk Juhar Mahiruddin and wife.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Raymond Tan Su Kiah, Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sabah sertai Gerakan

KOTA KINABALU: Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Raymond Tan akan menyertai Parti Gerakan, parti politik yang berpangkalan di Semenanjung, setelah tidak mempunyai parti untuk hampir sembilan bulan. Pengerusi Gerakan, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon membuat pengumuman itu sejurus sebelum ketibaan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak pada majlis perhimpunan rakyat di Padang Merdeka, di sini, hari ini. Bekas ketua pemuda SAPP dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Elopura, Au Kam Wah, turut mengambil keputusan sama. - Bernama

Monday, May 4, 2009


1. Kepada Masyarakat Iranun dan yang lain, ancaman kepupusan tradisi dan budaya bukan sahaja dihadapi oleh masyakakat dan suku kaum di negara kita. Di Filipina, suku kaum Maranao dan suku kaum Magindano juga menghadapi bahaya kepupusan budaya yang dipusakai atau diwarisi dari nenek moyang mereka.

2. Kesedaran tentang bahaya kepupusan ini sememangnya telah ada di kalangan generasi muda terutama yang berpendidikan dan mempunyai kesedaran. Walaupun demikian, kesedaran sahaja tidak memadahi untuk sebuah kejayaan dalam menyuburkan tradisi, budaya dan warisan ini. Pengamalannya pula sering menghadapi cabaran terutama di segi kesesuaiannya dengan kehendak, amalan dan tuntutan pemodenan. Kepada masyarakat Iranun yang menyerupai budayanya dengan Masyarakat Maranao di Selatan Filipina, kita lihat rintihan berikut ini sebagai panduan:-

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Save Maranao Culture
Nowadays, Maranao people are very different from the Maranaos before. There are some changes that happened in terms of their manner of dressing, way of helding events, music, food, recreation and sports and even decors. As i observed, before, man wore Gora for headgear, malong, etc. Almost of them are decored with langkit. But now, man emaluate the crowd to carry the mselves. They wear just like the way how the western people do. So as with the women. There are also some changes in the Maranao ways of helding events just like wedding for instance. Before, they held wedding in the house of the bride but now sa function hall na talaga. Maranao wedding today is really different with the Maranao wedding before in a sense na kulang na lang ay isang pare and the way na magsuot yog bride ng gown. ................
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Analyst predicts four to five more by-elections are on the cards

PETALING JAYA: Four to five more by-elections have been lined up by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim before the country goes to the next polls, said a political analyst. The reshuffling of the PKR leadership, which was announced last Monday, was seen by International Islamic University Malaysia political and international studies dean Prof Dr Mohamed Mustafa Ishak as a party strategy in preparation for the series of by-elections.

He said Anwar, who is also PKR leader, had shaped a new leadership, which would act as the party’s prime mover to face each of the by-elections he had planned. “Anwar has decided on the by-elections. He has decided where these should be held, his battle plans and the effects of the by-elections. “I foresee that before the 13th general election, there will be four to five more by-elections that have already been planned by Anwar. “Looking at the list of the new party leadership, these are the PKR stars that Anwar will use to ensure the success of his strategy,” Dr Mustafa told mStar Online, The Star’s Bahasa Malaysia news portal.

In the leadership reshuffle, PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail would act as party spokesman while vice-president Azmin Ali is head of a task force, comprising other vice-presidents and the Youth and Wanita chiefs. Saifuddin Nasution, the new election campaign director, relinquished his old position as strategic director to Tian Chua. Dr Mustafa added that Anwar only planned the by-elections in constituencies where he was confident of winning by more than 70%.

Other observers viewed the reshuffle differently, saying this was to overcome internal problems and strengthen the party. Universiti Sains Malaysia political science lecturer Dr Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Faruq said the restructuring was necessary for the party to overcome internal problems.
Yang Pernah Saya Paparkan....


Pesta Kaamatan bermula: Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman (dua dari kiri) bersama Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan (kiri) merangkap Huguan Siou Kadazan Dusun iaitu Pemimpin Agung Suku Kaum Kadazan Dusun Sabah; Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rahsid Shirlin dan Pengerusi Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia, Datuk Abdul Rahim Ismail (tiga dari kanan) menuai padi sebagai simbolik pelancaran Pesta Kaamatan Peringkat Negeri 2009 di Dewan Masyarakat Papar, semalam.

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Dan adapun orang-orang yang takut kepada kebesaran Tuhannya dan menahan diri dari keinginan hawa nafsunya. Maka sesungguhnya syurgalah tempat tinggalnya. (al-Naziat ayat 40-41)

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes...known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. . . No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
- James Madison, Political Observations, 1795

santapan rohani ii

Al-hadith :ثلاثةٌ قد حَرّمَ اللهُ - تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى - عليهم الجنةَ : مُدْمِنُ الخمر ، والعاقّ ، والدّيّوثُ الذييُقِرُّ في أَهْلِهِ الخُبْثَ . رواه أحمد والنسائيErtinya : "Tiga yang telah Allah haramkan baginya Syurga : orang yang ketagih arak, si penderhaka kepada ibu bapa dan Si Dayus yang membiarkan maksiat dilakukan oleh ahli keluarganya" ( Riwayat Ahmad )


Ingatlah firman Allah Taala:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّخِذُوا بِطَانَةً مِنْ دُونِكُمْ لَا يَأْلُونَكُمْ خَبَالًا وَدُّوا مَا عَنِتُّمْ قَدْ بَدَتِ الْبَغْضَاءُ مِنْ أَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَمَا تُخْفِي صُدُورُهُمْ أَكْبَرُ قَدْ بَيَّنَّا لَكُمُ الْآيَاتِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ (118) هَا أَنْتُمْ أُولَاءِ تُحِبُّونَهُمْ وَلَا يُحِبُّونَكُمْ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْكِتَابِ كُلِّهِ وَإِذَا لَقُوكُمْ قَالُوا آمَنَّا وَإِذَا خَلَوْا عَضُّوا عَلَيْكُمُ الْأَنَامِلَ مِنَ الْغَيْظِ قُلْ مُوتُوا بِغَيْظِكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُورِ (119)

Maksudnya: “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang yang bukan dari kalangan kamu menjadi “orang dalam” (yang dipercayai). mereka tidak akan berhenti-henti berusaha mendatangkan bencana kepada kamu. mereka sukakan apa yang menyusahkan kamu. telahpun nyata (tanda) kebencian mereka pada pertuturan mulutnya, dan apa yang disembunyikan oleh hati mereka lebih besar lagi. Sesungguhnya telah Kami jelaskan kepada kamu keterangan-keterangan itu jika kamu (mahu) memahaminya. Awaslah! kamu ini adalah orang-orang (yang melanggar larangan), kamu sahajalah yang suka (dan percayakan mereka, sedang mereka tidak suka kepada kamu. kamu juga beriman kepada Segala Kitab Allah (sedang mereka tidak beriman kepada Al-Quran). dan apabila mereka bertemu dengan kamu mereka berkata: “Kami beriman”, tetapi apabila mereka berkumpul sesama sendiri, mereka menggigit hujung jari kerana geram marah (kepada kamu), Katakanlah (Wahai Muhammad): “Matilah kamu Dengan kemarahan kamu itu”. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa mengetahui akan Segala (isi hati) yang ada di dalam dada.” [Ali Imran: 118 & 119]
تُولِجُ اللَّيْلَ فِي النَّهَارِ وَتُولِجُ النَّهَارَ فِي اللَّيْلِ وَتُخْرِجُ الْحَيَّ مِنَ الْمَيِّتِ وَتُخْرِجُ الْمَيِّتَ مِنَ الْحَيِّ وَتَرْزُقُ مَنْ تَشَاءُ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍآل عمران : 27

"Engkaulah (Wahai Tuhan) yang memasukkan waktu malam ke dalam waktu siang, dan Engkaulah yang memasukkan waktu siang ke dalam waktu malam. Engkaulah juga yang mengeluarkan sesuatu yang hidup dari benda yang mati, dan Engkaulah yang mengeluarkan benda yang mati dari sesuatu yang hidup. Engkau jualah yang memberi rezeki kepada sesiapa yang Engkau kehendaki, dengan tiada hitungan hisabnya".


“Siapa yang membantahmu tentang kisah Isa-Setelah engkau beroleh pengetahuan yang meyakinkan tentang hal itu, maka katakanlah kepada mereka : Marilah kita panggil (kumpulan) anak-anak kami dan anak-anak kalian, isteri-isteri kami, dan isteri-isteri kalian, diri-diri kami dan diri-diri kalian, kemudian kita bermubahalah kepada Allah, mohon agar Allah menjatuhkan laknat-Nya kepada pihak yang berdusta.” (Ali Imran : 61)